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Worship Times
Saturdays - 5:00pm
Sundays - 8:00am & 10:30am

Sunday School & Bible Study - 9:15am

I am the good shepherd.
The good
shepherd lays
down his
life for the sheep.


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Little Lambs provides provide a safe, enriching childcare environment with Christian values, where children can develop spiritually, intellectually, and feel accepted as a redeemed child of God, loved by Jesus. 

Good Shepherd Lutheran School exists to assist the families of our congregation, and also our community, by providing a high quality Christ-centered education for training lifelong disciples of Christ.

Good Shepherd offers regular series of Bible studies each week. Classes range from topical studies, to in-depth looks at specific books of the Bible, to the basics of Lutheran doctrine. There is something for everybody on various days of the week.  Join a study today!

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Jesus Cares Ministry
SEPT 5, OCT 3, & NOV 7 Worship begins at 6pm (2).jpg

Inside Good Shepherd

School InfO

2024-25 school year theme
Living for Jesus! (1).jpg
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Christian Education

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