Exemplary Accredited
Our Mission
Reaching out with God's word, Good Shepherd Lutheran School assists families with educating, encouraging and equipping children for life and eternity. Good Shepherd Lutheran School is a joint ministry of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, West Bend, Wisconsin.
Our Vision
Good Shepherd Lutheran School will be the Christian school of choice in the West Bend area. In doing so, we will…
always be Christ-centered.
serve as an arm of outreach and service to our community by promoting and offering an exceptional school and education and supporting the outreach efforts and programs of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church.
expand our curriculum to meet the needs of our community and congregation.
In carrying out this vision, Good Shepherd Lutheran School strives...
To proclaim the Triune God as the Bible teaches, especially as it reveals his work as Creator and Preserver of humankind, his work as the Redeemer of a lost and fallen world, and his work as the Giver of faith and eternal life in heaven.
To partner with parents, encouraging and equipping them in their God-given role as spiritual leaders in their home.
To establish a well-known presence in our community as a Christian school of excellence.
To guide students in faithful Christian living out of love and thanks for the Savior.
To teach all subjects in the light of God’s Word, giving our pupils the skills they need to be knowledgeable students, successful workers, and productive citizens.
To train students to apply the Word of God both during life’s challenges and while witnessing to family and friends.
To prepare God’s children for eternity in heaven, which Christ has won for us all.
Our Objectives
Good Shepherd Lutheran School works together with parents to help children grow spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally, and physically.
As a child develops spiritually, he will
Grow in his knowledge and grace in the triune God, trusting that the Lord Jesus Christ is his personal Savior from sin, and desire more faithfully to worship and serve Him.
Grow in knowledge of the sacred Scriptures, equipping himself to apply God's Word to his own life situations, and to encourage Christian living by faithful use of the Word and sacrament.
Grow in understanding the nature, function, and responsibility of the Church as the body of Christ.
Develop a zeal for the promotion of God's Kingdom.
As a child develops academically, he will
Grow in knowledge and use of the communication arts, mathematics, the social and natural sciences, and the fine arts.
Learn the skills necessary to live in this world successfully.
As a child develops socially, he will
Recognize all people to be God's creatures and show respect, courtesy, and consideration for the rights and welfare of others.
Live and function in the family, showing respect and love to parents and to God from whom the parents receive their authority.
Grow in a spirit of love and obedience towards God's representatives in the church and school.
As a child develops emotionally, he will
Recognize his sin and need for a Savior.
Find security in Jesus Christ, his Savior, revealed in the Holy Scripture.
Receive direction in practicing Christian love toward all men through the example of Jesus Christ.
As a child develops physically, he will
Learn that his body is a gift of God.
Accept responsibility for their health, safety, recreation, and relaxation.