Our Church and beliefs
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School is a family of believers united in faith and worship by the Word of God.
We worship Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and our greatest treasure in life.
We believe that all people are born into this world sinful with a great need for forgiveness.
We believe that God sent his Son Jesus Christ into this world to rescue us from our hopeless situation and eternal punishment we have earned from God for our sins.
Jesus is true God and true man in one person. He came to this earth to serve as our perfect substitute. God requires that we live in perfect obedience to his law. We have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Jesus lived a perfect life in our place, and God now credits his righteousness to us.
The wages of sin is death. Jesus suffered and died on the cross to pay the full penalty for our sins.
Trusting in Jesus Christ we now enjoy the forgiveness of sins, life as God's dear children, and the sure hope of eternal life in heaven. (John 3:16 God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.)
We believe the Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God and the authority for our lives that we teach and believe.
We believe that the Holy Spirit creates the miracle of faith in our hearts through the power of the Gospel.
We believe that in Holy Baptism God graciously puts his name on us, adopting us into his family of believers, washing away our sins, and creating or strengthening faith in our hearts. We believe in baptizing infants as a wonderful means for the Holy Spirit to bring all the blessings of the cross to these little children's hearts.
Good Shepherd Mission Statement
Compelled by the love of our Good Shepherd, we gather around God’s Word to …
WORSHIP our Lord with joy,
GROW spiritually throughout our lives,
SERVE God and others in love,
SHARE the good news of Jesus with all people!
Good Shepherd Church and our congregation are members of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) a worldwide church body made of Christians who believe and teach the same doctrine from the Bible and are united for a common purpose.
WELS Purpose Statement: As men, women, and children, united in faith and service by the Word of God, the WELS exists to make disciples, for time and for eternity, using the Gospel to win the lost for Christ, and to nurture believers for lives of Christian service, all to the glory of God!